Welcome to The High Road Cycling Company...

Started in 2015, The High Road Cycling Company provides high-quality refurbished steel frame bicycles for sale in Switzerland, as well as a selection of products and components that have been hand-picked for you to use in your own projects.

We also provide services related to refurbishment, such as glass grit blasting for paint removal on your own frames and options to paint and customise your own frame. You can find more details on the Services page.

For Summer 2016, we will also endeavour to offer cycle tourism in Switzerland. Stay tuned for more information on this venture.

About Me, the founder

As you can see from the photo, I have been into bicycles for quite a long time. Being both an avid cyclist and someone who can spend hours happily tinkering away at bicycles old and new, I was delighted to have found myself in cycling heaven having moved to Switzerland in 2012.

Here, living on the edge of the Jura, I have been playing in my own backyard on both VTT and road bikes, and this has thoroughly rejuvenated my passion for the two-wheel wonders.

I have been inspired to turn my passion into The High Road Cycling Company, which aims to fill what I think is a bit of a gap here in Switzerland - finding bicycles that have that retro, vintage look, but that ride with the smoothness of a brand new bike :) Alongside building these dream machines, I also would like to share my love for the Swiss countryside and all it has to offer - vineyards, cheese and much much more - all to be viewed from the comfy saddle.

I hope you find what you are looking for here and look forward to finding out how I can help you fulfil your velo needs.